A Person Of Influence

If you Google “person of influence,” the search will take you to various lists of “the most influential people in the world.” These lists usually include political leaders; business entrepreneurs and athletes; along with people in science, the arts, and entertainment. You will not find the names of cooks and cleaners who work for them. Yet those in so-called lowly positions often influence the people they serve. The story of Naaman, a high-ranking military commander, includes two kings and a prophet of God (2 Kings 5:1-15). Yet it was the servants in the background whose words led to Naaman being cured of leprosy, a career-ending, life-changing disease. A young servant girl taken captive from Israel told Naaman’s wife that a prophet in Samaria could heal him (vv.2-3). When Elisha’s instructions to bathe in the Jordan River angered Naaman, his servants urged him to follow the prophet’s orders. The result was Naaman’s restoration to health and his declaration, “Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel”. What a beautiful picture of our role as followers of Jesus Christ! We are called to be people of influence - the Lord’s servants who point others to the One whose touch can change their lives.

Lord, I would like to live a life of influence like Naaman’s servant girl—to be brave and bold to touch the lives of others by pointing them to You. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with Your power. David - Daily Bread

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