Walking with Jesus

Lean food rations, waterproof boots, and a map are some of the essentials carried by hikers on the John Muir Trail. The John Muir Trail is a 211-mile path in the western United States that winds across creeks, around lakes and woods, and up and over mountains, encompassing 47,000 feet of elevation gain. Because traversing this trail takes about three weeks, carrying the right amount of supplies is critical. Too much and you will run out of strength to carry it all; too little and you won’t have what you need for the journey. 
Finishing well on our journey as believers in Jesus also requires careful consideration of what we bring. In Hebrews 12, we’re told to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” The author compares our lives to a “race marked out for us,” one in which we must “not grow weary and lose heart” (vv. 1, 3). To become overburdened with sin or distracted by things outside of God’s purpose for us is to carry an unnecessary weight.
Just as there are packing lists for the John Muir Trail, God has provided directions for following Jesus in the Bible. We can know what habits, dreams, and desires are worth bringing along by examining them in light of the Scriptures. When we travel light, we’re able to finish well. Karen Pimpo - Daily Bread

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